Saturday 10th Jan 2015 – OFDii

A rambling wander around OFDii, taking in a few of the sights.
Duration: About four hours.

We headed in over the mini traverses and down the corkscrew, before heading straight across the top of Salubrious and up the four climbs. After thrutching through a tight rift (which we learned on the way back was easily bypassable!), we made it to Timmo’s Table. From here we popped down Poached Egg, which was a much easier climb than I remembered, and up the other side to Straw Gallery.


Poached Egg, OFDii

Straw Gallery is a little chamber off the main passage, and the name sums it up pretty well. It’s absolutely stuffed with straws, all along one side of the chamber like an installation in an art gallery. I’d only been there once before, a couple of years back on a trip led by Iain of the SWCC, so I was pretty pleased that I remembered where it was.


Straw Gallery, OFDii


Ghost-me in Straw Gallery OFDii. This is what happens when you move the flash 😦

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Suggestive back-lit stal in Straw Gallery, OFDii

We took the same route on the way out with a small detour to visit the Gnomes, who say hi.

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