Sunday 30th June 2013 – Sandford Levvy Mine

Sandford Levvy – The Haunted Mine
Group: Ali, Will, me
Duration: Not particularly long

Sandford Levvy is a mine in Sandford, Somerset, that was also used by the Home Guard during the war. There is a brief historical write up, with photos,  in the book ‘Somerset V. Hitler: Secret Operations in the Mendips, 1939-45‘. The mine is seriously easy – if it wasn’t for the slightly low and muddy entrance, you wouldn’t even need protective clothing. There are, of course a few bit off the side passages, going either up or down, with very dodgy looking old ropes left on them. I know there was an old dig down there but we weren’t sure which areas were stable, so left it all alone. The rest of the mine could be done in jeans and trainers.

The mine is supposed to be haunted but I can’t find a single reason why anywhere on the internet. There are lost of posts where people vaguely say ‘Oh yes it’s haunted‘ but no good stories to suggest why it might be so. Very disappointing, I like a good ghost story. If you know where the haunted rumours come from, let me know? Anyway, it does feel a bit eerie but not very scary. I put it down to it just being an old mine. I certainly didn’t feel the menacing presence that other people have reported and I’m often quite jumpy in caves (although none of us tried the crossroads challenge…).

There is quite a good description of how to find the entrance here.

Photos after the cut 🙂

The ghost in Sandford?

More photos will be posted once my laptop decided it wants to let me on the internet again!

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